Our Vision and Mission

Haere Mai, Welcome, Kia orana, 

Bula, Namaste, Kumusta, Talofa lava

Te Kura Katorika o Hato Maria i Te Awahou - St Mary’s School is a small Roman Catholic Primary School, offering faith formation and education to students from years 0-8.  We were founded in 1911 by the Brigidine Sisters. Like these women of faith and kindness, we seek to live out the teachings of Jesus in the rich Catholic tradition while offering innovative and tailored education which meets the needs of children today. 

Our Catholic Vision and active Mission outlook is to always incorporate the Social Justice Values. These include Integrity, Dignity, Equity, Concern for the Poor and Vulnerable, Solidarity and Stewardship. 

Alongside these we treasure Cultural Inclusivity and our Gospel Values which are Love, Courage, Community and Service.

We are all made in the image and likeness of Christ.

Our Curriculum Vision is:

Promoting Excellence through Catholic Discipleship 

so that our young people fulfil our active Mission of  our Gospel Values:

Aroha, Ratonga, Kaha, and Whānau 

(Love, Service, Strength, and Family)

in order to become:

confident, connected, and actively involved lifelong learners as seen with our Motto and Heart acronym:

"Treasure in your HEART all things".

What's special about our school?

Gospel Values in action

Restorative Practice School-wide 

Culturally Inclusive

Small Class Sizes

Highly Experienced and Relational Staff

Well resourced and Attractive Learning Environments

Learning Gardens and Wilderness Learning Area 

Innovative Programmes integrating ICT Learning tools

Vision:  "Promoting Excellence through Learning and Catholic Discipleship"

Mission:  Living the Gospel values of St Brigid:

Aroha-Love, Ratonga-Service, Kaha-Strength and Whanau-Community 

That we might live out our school Motto: 

"Treasure in our hearts all things"

The Brigidine Cross of Protection

This is a special symbol handed down to us by our Brigidine founders. In reminds us that each of us are worthy of Love. This Cross acts as a daily challenge for us to always look for the best in each other and to treat all people as Jesus taught us to.